Having high cheekbones is a ticket won in the genetic lottery. According to many, high cheekbones are indicators of beauty. However, if you are not the lucky winner, you can still enjoy visible, high cheekbones. You just need patience and the right cheekbone exercise. 

The Best Exercises for Your Cheekbones

In the battle of high vs low cheekbones, the former are always the winner, and it’s not only connected to attractiveness. If you have strong cheekbones, you might enjoy youthful facial skin for longer. They are a natural support that prevents your skin from sagging. Let’s have a look into simple exercises that can help you improve your cheekbones’ look. 

You can sit or stand while doing all the exercises. Remember to keep your back straight and shoulders relaxed. If you are new to face exercising, be sure to do all of them in front of the mirror. Once you know the correct movements, you can practice in any situation, even while waiting in line at a supermarket or waiting for a traffic light to change. 

The Big O 

This exercise helps you improve most of the muscles of the face. You might see some actors doing it before getting on stage, as it improves facial expression and diction. 

Open your mouth wide, until you create an O shape. Then cover your teeth with your lips. Hold for 15 seconds, relax for 5. Repeat this exercise three times. 

The cheekbone-lift smile

Smile widely, until your cheekbones go up to their maximum. Hold it for 15 seconds, relax for 5. Repeat this exercise five times. 

Smile with the Lower Lip Pushed In 

Smile until your cheekbones are lifted to the maximum. Move your lower lip over your teeth. Push them towards the palate and smile. Hold for 15 seconds, relax for 5, and repeat three to five times. 

Smile with Your Tongue Touching Your Nose 

Smile like in the previous exercise. Then stick your tongue out and try to touch the tip of your nose. As always: hold for 15, relax for 5, and repeat 3-5 times. 

Try Mewing 

Mewing can increase the visibility of your jawline and influence the way your cheekbones look. With regular practice, you can strengthen your face muscles and in effect enjoy higher cheekbones. There are various exercises you can choose from to increase your chances of getting your dream face shape. 

Be Consistent 

With time, you will notice that your zygomatic muscles are stronger. Then you can increase the repetitions. Whether you are just starting or it’s been another week or month of exercising, remember that the most important thing is regularity. Try to exercise your cheekbones at least three times a week and you will see a difference very soon. 

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